Longlegged fly (Condylostylus) hunting on leaftops
These attractive metallic flies are commonly seen on leaftops, hunting for smaller insects. They are lively creatures and some species have elaborate mating dances.
These attractive metallic flies are commonly seen on leaftops, hunting for smaller insects. They are lively creatures and some species have elaborate mating dances.
Camel crickets, despite their name, are related to katydids rather than crickets. But unlike their cousins that sing to attract mates, camel crickets are largely silent. Instead they likely use smells and vibrations to communicate. Although, much of this is speculation, since the behavior of most species remains a mystery! American Bird Grasshopper Banded Pennant…
We Have to Watch Out for Bites and Ticks While Out Hiking
The Dangers of Looking For Non Timber Forest Product While Coming in Contact with a Timber Rattlesnake
The Red Imported Fire Ant is polymorphic, as workers appear in different shapes and sizes. The ant’s colors are red and somewhat yellowish with a brown or black gaster, but males are completely black. Red Imported Fire Ants are dominant in altered areas and live in a wide variety of habitats. They can be found…
The Green Stink Bug is a flattened, shield-shaped bug, named for the offensive odor it produces. The adult is bright green and about 2/3 inch (17 mm) long. It is easily distinguished by the triangular-shaped plate that partially covers its wings. The green stink bug feeds on many plants, including native and ornamental trees, shrubs,…
The Spangled Skimmer grows to nearly 2 inches long. Each of the 4 wings has a white spot beside a black spot on the outer leading edge. Males are blue with a dark head. Females are dark brown with lengthwise yellow stripes, and darkish wingtips. Ranging throughout eastern United States, this species can be found…