Large Four-Prong with Green Berries
Large Four-Prong with Green Berries
Large Four-Prong with Green Berries
Sam’s First Ginseng Experience at the Farm
Wild American Ginseng Published in the Spring 2019 Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation by George Lindemann Toward the end of April 2018, the Chinese Government imposed a tariff on imported wild American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). This little known wild root has somehow gotten into the middle of a brewing American/ Chinese trade war. I am…
A new approach to cultivating and growing ginseng could expand opportunities for farmers and landowners while discouraging poachers. The goal is to cultivate and grow new plants in Appalachian forest. Doing so can create additional value—Wild American Ginseng being a valuable botanical and an endangered plant. It makes sense to take advantage of Appalachian agriculture…
Ginseng for consumption for sale
The last Male Northern White Rhino died yesterday. Like rhinos, wild American Ginseng is protected by CITES (convention on international trade in endangered species). Male White Rhinos are now extinct. Is Ginseng next? Wild American Ginseng is the last truly wild root on the planet. It is considered an indicator species for the health of…
Bob Beyfuss holding a fully wild root dug from ginseng bowl area above Coal Creek.