Lactarius Volemus
Some mushrooms seem to repeat each year – We have seen this one at Coal Creek Farm before. Check out a list of all the mushrooms we have at Coal Creek.
There are a few possibilities as to which Amanita species fungi this is, but without seeing the top of the cap and the base of the stem, it’s impossible to tell which one. Learn more about the mushrooms that we find around Coal Creek Farm.
Another mushroom type we have seen before, the Lactarius Volemus reemerge with the heavy rain. Learn more about the mushrooms of Coal Creek Farm.
Calostoma Cinnabarinum produces this weird jelly. See more of the mushrooms we find on and near Coal Creek Farm.
In contrast to plants, fungi do not have chlorophyll, lack leaves and roots, and never form flowers, fruits, or seeds. The Lactarius Gerardii Complex is oftentimes very difficult to identify. Characteristics include its distant white gills, which run down the stem; its white, unchanging milk; its white spore print; and its failure to stain or…
We see a lot of corral-looking mushrooms at Coal Creek and the Cumberland Plateau. Read more about the mushrooms we find around Coal Creek here.
Believe it, or not, it’s not coral – it’s a mushroom! Learn more about the mushrooms at Coal Creek Farm.