

The Killdeer bird’s latin name is Charadrius vociferus. They can be found all over the Americas. Their preferred habitat are savannas, deciduous forests, shorelines, open areas, and pastures.

The best time to find baby Killdeer is during its breeding months, which are from March through August. They winter in southern parts. Their population status is of least concern. The Killdeer can be found at Coal Creek Farm year round. Their diet consists of mostly insects, especially beetles, caterpillars, grasshoppers, spiders, earthworms, snails, and seeds.

Both males and females help build the Killdeer nest – which are built on the ground. To protect the nest and the Killdeer eggs from predators, the Killdeer sometimes pretends to be injured by dragging itself along the ground, sometimes on one foot, dragging its wings like they are broken. The Killdeer sound (or Killdeer call) when in distress sounds like a sharp “dee” that can intensify into a nervous, bubbling trill.

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