
Appalachian Woodlands Forest Farming Grant

A new approach to cultivating and growing ginseng could expand opportunities for farmers and landowners while discouraging poachers. The goal is to cultivate and grow new plants in Appalachian forest. Doing so can create additional value—Wild American Ginseng being a valuable botanical and an endangered plant. It makes sense to take advantage of Appalachian agriculture…


Terminator Weed Potentially Fighting Climate Change

Don’t get me started on invasive species like phragmites being introduced in South Florida. We have had to make some hard decisions on the farm: poison the bugs killing our Hemlocks or release zombie beetles to eat the tree-killing beetles… it’s an ongoing battle. In Maryland they are trying to turn an invasive issue into…

Bags of ginseng
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Ginseng and the Trade War with China

Ginseng has quite the reputation. Did you know that Rasputin used ginseng to treat the hemophilia of the last Czar of Russia’s son? Or that ginseng’s scientific name Panax means all-healing in Greek? Now researchers are looking at ginseng to treat COPD and boost cancer-treatment drugs. Wisconsin farmers who cultivate the plant are hopeful that…