
Great Crested Flycatcher

The Great Crested Flycatcher’s latin name is Myiarchus crinitus. The Great Crested Flycatcher range is all over North America. Their preferred habitat is deciduous forests, forest edges, clearings, and woodlands. Great Crested Flycatcher’s breed from May through July. The Great Crested Flycatcher migration patterns take them to southern areas in the winter. Their population status…


Field Sparrow

The Field Sparrow’s latin name is Spizella pusilla. They live in Canada and the Eastern and Southern United States. Their preferred habitat is forest edges, woodland openings, roadsides, open shrublands, and tree farms. The Field Sparrow breeds from April through August. They migrate south during the fall, to prepare for the winter. Their population status…


Eastern Kingbird

The Eastern Kingbird’s latin name is Tyrannus tyrannus. It is native to North America. The preferred Eastern Kingbird habitat is clearings, grassland, farmland, tropical forests, and river edges. Eastern Kingbirds breed from April to June. The Eastern Kingbird migration track takes them to South America in the winter, especially the tropical parts. Their population status…


Downy Woodpecker

Here are some interesting Down Woodpecker facts. The Downy Woodpecker’s latin name is Dryobates pubescens. They live all over North America. Their preferred habitat is forests, woodlots, willows, river groves, orchards, suburban yards, and deciduous trees. The female Downy Woodpecker and the male Downy Woodpecker take turns drumming loudly on dead limbs. When you look…



The Dickcissel’s latin name is Spiza americana. They live in America. The preferred Dickcissel habitat is grassy fields, meadows, and forest edges. The Dickcissel bird breeds in the spring and summer. They winter in northern South America. Their population status is of least concern. The Dickcissel can be found at Coal Creek Farm from May…


Common Grackle

The Common Grackle’s latin name is Quiscalus quiscula. Common Grackles are found in most of North America, east of the Rocky Mountains. Common Grackles preferred habitats are wet, open woodland and marshes as well as parks, suburbs, and agricultural fields. It breeds across all of North America during the winter. With no assistance from the…


Blue Grosbeak

The Blue Grosbeak’s latin name is Passerina caerulea. Their preferred habitat is fields, forest edges, stream edges, deserts, and shrubby areas. The Blue Grosbeak range is the southern half of the United States, northern Mexico, Central America, and South America. A Blue Grosbeak nest is usually built low in small trees or shrubs by the female Blue…


Brown-Headed Cowbird

Brown-Headed Cowbird Sound The Brown-headed Cowbird’s latin name is molothrus ater. They are native to subtropical North America. Their preferred habitat is fields, pastures, meadows, forest edges, lawns, and other open habitats. A Brown headed Cowbird call (or Brown headed Cowbird sound) is a variety of whistles, clicking and chattering calls. Females make a distinctive…


Eastern Phoebe

The Eastern Phoebe’s latin name is Sayornis phoebe. It lives in Eastern North America. The Eastern Phoebe’s preferred habitat is woodlands, woody vegetation, forest edges, and closed forests. Their breeding season starts in March and ends in October. The Eastern Phoebe bird migrates south from September through November. Their population is slowly increasing. They are…