
Carolina Wren

The Carolina Wren’s Latin name is Thryothorus ludovicianus. It is a resident of the eastern half of the United States of America, the extreme south of Canada, and the extreme northeast of Mexico. A Carolina Wren nest will most likely be found in the forest, brushy areas, overgrown farmland, swamps, suburban yards, and parks. They breed from March to October. After a short incubation period (12-16 days) a nest of 4-8 Carolina Wren eggs become baby Carolina Wren that will leave the nest in just 2 weeks. The Carolina Wren migrates south in the winter and North in the summer. Their population status is of least concern. The Carolina Wren can be found on Coal Creek Farm from March to August. What do Carolina Wrens eat? Their diet consists of caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, spiders, millipedes, snails, lizards, tree frogs, berries, small fruits, and seeds. The birds are generally inconspicuous, avoiding the open for extended periods of time. A Carolina Wren song is loud and high pitched. Females can only make Carolina Wren sounds, while the male can make songs.

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