Yellow garden spider on web.

Yellow Garden Spider

The yellow garden spider is a common species that frequently captures the attention of gardeners due to their zig-zag web, striking black and white (or yellow) pattern, and relatively large size. Although their appearance may cause alarm, this species is relatively harmless and will generally flee rather than attack when disturbed.

Epargyreus clarus butterfly on grass

Silver-Spotted Skipper

The Silver-Spotted Skipper is characterized by a large white spot on the underside of each hind wing. It is one of the largest, most widespread, and most recognizable skippers. The Silver-Spotted Skipper is found throughout most of the United States and into southern Canada. Adults have the jerky flight typical of many skippers. They frequent…


Variegated Fritillary

The Variegated Fritillary is brownish-orange above, with a complex checkered pattern of black markings and dark dots. It has a black-rimmed, pale orange spot near the leading edge of the forewing and lacks silver spots. Its name is derived from the complex, variegated pattern of brown, orange, and white scaling on its underside. The Variegated…



The Sachem is a small grass skipper butterfly. It has a wingspan of 35 to 41 millimeters (1 3⁄8 to 1 5⁄8 inches). Males are orange, edged with brown, and have a large brown-black stigma. Females are darker with lighter markings in the center of the wing.

Eastern tailed blue butterfly on a leaf.

Eastern Tailed-Blue

The Eastern Tailed-Blue, also known as Everes comyntas, is a common butterfly of eastern North America. It is a small butterfly that is distinguished from other blues in its range by the small thin tail. Although all the blues may do some puddling, this species seems to be more prone to congregating in groups at…