Wild Pink Lady Slipper
Wild pink lady slipper
Wild pink lady slipper
We like them fresh when we eat them, right? Well, a company in New York has stocked bars with jars of different varieties. Bonus: they grow 30-100 lbs. of mushrooms a week all the while collecting data on light, temperature and other factors. They are both decorative and close to diners! One of a handful…
The larval mite on this harvestman’s leg will continue engorging on host fluids until it falls off and pupates in the soil. It will then emerge as a purplish predatory mite with white stripes, then pupate again, and finally emerge as an adult that roams forest litter for prey Female tiny parasitic wasp (Eupelmidae) with…
This is a mournfulthyrsi, a colorful, day-flying moth found in forests throughout the eastern US. As caterpillars, they feed only on the leaves ofgreenbrier (Smilax), a thorny vine that often irritates hikers. It’s fun to associate an attractive day-flying moth like this with the thorny plant that many curse. European hornet (Vespa crabo) flying back…
We Have to Watch Out for Bites and Ticks While Out Hiking
This large hornet is native to Europe and can be common, especially in areas of human development. They are predators of other arthropods, which they bring back to their nest in a cavity such as a tree hole. Despite being large and scary, they are not aggressive. In the TN Woods, You Can Find All…
This is a southern devil scorpion. They inhabit the southern Appalachian region and are the only scorpion that lives east of the Mississippi River, except for three species in Florida and surrounding areas. Like most scorpions, they have two eyes in the middle of their ‘head’ area, but also have ‘lateral eyes’. This species has…