How to Cut Hay Part 2 | When to Cut Hay
The hay is cut on dry days by a hay conditioner. If the ground is wet the machinery leaves ruts which leads to erosion and uneven ground. Uneven ground is costly because of the wear and tear on the machinery.
The hay is cut on dry days by a hay conditioner. If the ground is wet the machinery leaves ruts which leads to erosion and uneven ground. Uneven ground is costly because of the wear and tear on the machinery.
Most farmers no longer use hand held tools. A tractor is used with a large hay spear in order to pick up the roll and move it to the wrapping area. We have several different size tractors. They are each used for different functions. And there is usually a spare tractor because the hay cutting season is short and…
A silage wrapping machine is a useful piece of equipment to ensure that hay stays fresh. The machine is used to wrap the hay rolls in plastic. The wrapped roll can last up to three seasons prior to being eaten. We place the wrapped hay in different areas around the farm so as not to move it too far…
When you cut a pasture for hay you not only get hay, but you end up with a beautifully maintained pasture. A well cut hay field looks like a suburban lawn after the grass is cut. Birds, and snakes, seem to really enjoy the freshly cut fields.
The uncut hay is made up of various grasses including Fescue, Clover, Orchard Grass and Little Bluestem. At Coal Creek we have been cutting cool season grasses for hay. Some say it would be ideal to have some warm season grasses to cut as well. Some farmers cut hay more than once in a season, depending on location…
The cut grasses lie on the ground before they are collected. Collection only works if the grass is dry. A rake can be used to “fluff” the cut grass, but it’s better to try for a dry day. If you suffer from serious hay fever, this might be a good stage to watch from afar.
A hay rolling machine is used to collect and bale the hay into a large roll. In Cumberland County, hay is mostly collected in large rolls. It is used primarily for cows. Horse hay is baled more often in small square bales.